Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I spoke of Manifesting yesterday in the 3 card spread. Especially since it was a Full Moon. When I speak of manifesting I do so in a practical way. I believe to manifest our desires takes effort and belief. The stream of energy from the universe that can grow our manifestations. We all at one point in our lives want change and dream of wishes. To make change and for our dreams to come true are possible. The secret is to find patience when facing the hurdles, roadblocks, or changes on our path.To know we can overcome challenges and the Universe will lead us in the right directions. Our minds, imagination, and creative will is the ingredients to manifest. It is the otherworld that can manifest the material world. The power of spiritual belief and the cosmic flow of energy is essential. 
This card is gifting us with an emerging energy of creation. Plan, empower, fulfill, and dream of your manifestations. We are all truly the creator of our life here on Earth. 
The deeper our roots reach into the earth, the higher our souls will be able to soar…
When we truly understand ourselves is when we can create great success. 
The universe is granting all of us today an open portal to send our manifestations into. You are never stuck in a world of transcendence…

Blessings, Melanie 

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