Sunday, February 14, 2016


The intent of these 3 cards is to find intellectual understanding to things.

Things that are happening to you or around you. 

Focus on a question and pick card A, B, or C. 

Or allow all 3 cards to give you insight into your question.

The universal energy I connect to is abundant for everyone to use! 

This is my way of giving back to all of you from my heart...

Free Tarot Meditation to help you focus before picking your cards...

Card A.
Prince of Wands…

Out of the darkness and into the light one can emerge. The feeling of breaking free and finding yourself… The Prince of Wands has traveled through the darkness of life. He has finally reached the light with a feeling of freedom. He has vision from the ashes of his past. He has the potential to create new situations into his life. This card offers you these opportunities! Intuitive creativity with passion from your soul…
You are being gifted the opportunity to see things out of new eyes! New visions, intuitive visions, and solutions. The flow of creativity is yours for the taking.
Don’t allow yourself to stagnate! Flow in the fast creative motion…
Surrendering to love allows you to rise above yourself. To achieve your goals with great success…
Take chances on new ventures. You just may succeed!
Trust your perceptions. You do see things clearly. Stop convincing yourself elsewise…
Life is challenging at times and you have the strength to get through the dark times. You can rise like a phoenix and free your heart and soul.

Card B.
The Hermit….

Oh how do I love this card…. The card of inner light… The card of hidden treasures… The card of finding yourself and your path….

The world can shine deceptive light. Light of false hopes. Do not chase after others lights that feel false. You have the inner knowing of right and wrong. We hope to be of the best intents. We are who we are but not the same. Not everyone sees eye to eye. There is good and bad no matter how you want to look at it. To journey within starts with trust and courage of who you are. To let go of insecurity and scorned mentalitys. The world does not owe you anything. We all have a shadow side and it is that side we need to tame. We cannot walk around like beasts all day. The light of inner clarity can heal our souls for a more confident outlook. The only light of purity is the one that shines from within yourself. To trust in yourself is what we should strive for. To find inner peace and comfort is worth seeking. This card is to teach us to look at things on a deeper level. To try to understand within yourself and within others. To try to see things with peace. To feel inner knowing…
Heed your inner wisdom and trust how you feel. If you’re alone than accept it… let go of those who do not understand you…
Understanding one another is the key to any relationship.
Take time to really look within. What would you like to resolve in your life? What would you like to remove yourself from? You have the right to walk away from negativity…
I’ve heard people say (but I can’t). I believe we can!!! always… We are truly in control of ourselves no matter what. There is always a solution. It is insecurity and fear that holds people back. The fear of looking within and seeing the truth. The fear of being alone…
Give yourself a break and find some alone time to find yourself or be yourself… You hold the light within your soul always. Sometimes you just have to look deeper within to find it….

Card C.
3 of Wands

You are entering a great time of harmonizing energy. You have been gifted inner stillness, self-confidence, and the awareness of situations you need to avoid. Anxieties will lessen and troubles will fade. The energy of positive energy is being granted into your life.. Don’t deny it! Just accept it… Do not allow yourself to close off to this healing energy. You truly need to let go of self-doubt.. All it is doing is stopping you from achieving your goals. Make a list of goals you would like to challenge yourself to. Truly believe the universe is giving you the strength to achieve these goals. Right now is a optimum time to do this. Detox your body, get rid of some weight, start a new project, etc.…
Allow love to fuel your soul… You can always find something to love… Love abounds us all. Learn to love yourself and your soul… learn to love the gifts from the Universe you are blessed with every day…

 Blessings, Melanie

If you are seeking insight into your life I am available for readings. 

Below is the link to my services:

DISCLAIMER: By paying for any services I offer through PayPal you are acknowledging these services are for educational, spiritual and entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase any of my services offered. Any advice or guidance you receive is not a substitute for professional advice that you would normally receive from a licensed professional. I am not a licensed psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, counselor, financial advisor, business consultant, lawyer, or healthcare provider. I will not be responsible for any interpretation made or used by the recipient of the information I give through any Blog I have written or any reading or advice verbally received or given through an email. I am not responsible for any actions and or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/ her consultation with me. By placing a payment for any of my services you agree with this agreement. 

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