Friday, February 12, 2016

Today's Tarot Energy February 12, 2016


New beginnings can arise out of new solutions. 
A two sided situation may not be the easiest of situations to be in. 
Situations like changing jobs, moving, or leaving a marriage or relationship. 
Even deciding to dedicate yourself to loosing weight or quitting a habit...  
Not knowing the outcome or feeling the freedom is what can hinder us! 
The unknown life changes that can follow from making a change. 
This card represents choices! 
We all have choices and some can be hard to make! 
We can make wise choices or regretful ones...
Life can even feel at times like a double edged sword.

The 2 of Swords Is a gift if the skills are used right.

To make a decision in a state of calm is much better than a frantic one...

Give yourself moments within your day to find calm.
As I write this I am in my calm place.
A chair in my basement where I can think...
Find spaces for peace within your life.
This card is teaching us to look within and realize we can't deny things for too long.
Our inner truth always shows up...

Making decision today should be intuitively made with clarity!
Downloads of new ideas and solutions will be gifted!
Pay attention to signs!
It is not always what you see but it's what you know from deep within...
Inner peace is a gift...
Be grateful when you feel this way...

Make a list of all the things you would like to manifest (bring into your life)... 
Inner strength, willpower, love, etc...
Write down your insights about your past, present, and future...
What have you learned through the years....
Use this list to help make decisions with empowerment.

Let the energy of today fill you with peaceful vibrations...


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