Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April Showers 2015

April Showers 2015

Art work by: Melanie 

We are all real actors of life wearing masks and costumes to be whatever we want to be. We have the ability to be different personalities in the given situation. Getting in touch with who we are behind the masks of life is what the Universe is guiding us all to do. Behind our masks we should be egoless, pure, and in touch with our higher selves. Finding our inner liberation and being able to play in any social role is fully living in the world. To be able to let go of judgements and fears can make a big difference. If we can learn to let go of the attitudes, judgements, and fake sense of self behind those masks, life can flow so much smoother. The Universe is sending each of us, blasts of spiritual cleansing energy. This is to unblock the stagnations we have created within our lives. Negativity and obsessions from the past need to be let go in order to move forward with ourselves. It is time to look deep within yourself and start tending within instead of everyone else. Giving and receiving is the ebb and flow of the Universe. Many of us are so off balanced in this natural order. We are given the gift of a Soul. A personal energy we get to keep with us from life time to life time. If we do not strengthen this energy it will just get harder and harder to change before we die.
It is time to Aspire…. To seek ambitiously for your inner desires. To put yourself in a higher value of thinking. To get out of the gutters of revenge and self-loathing. It is time to rise up and soar. To be the change and not wait for it. Burn old bridges completely so your only way is forward.
The Full Moon this Month is going to stir things up! We are going to be forced to let go of our pasts because this Month is all about endings… By keeping our hearts open we can allow the love of the Universe to move freely through us. To allow the energy of our Universe to heal what is off balanced within. If people stay closed they are pushing away the opportunity to heal and evolve. We need to really consider what we want in our lives and try to make better choices for our self and not others. The Universe is cleaning out our emotional wounds and to resist would just be silly.
The sad part is many will resist and will not change. So to change this you have to be the change and make changes. Some changes may seem scary but your future is your life. Be Bold! Be Brave!
Keep your mind open and allow your Soul to receive the healing energy at this time.
Let go! Just let go!!!


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