Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Let go of the Fear of Letting go...

Painting by, Melanie K Villari

False facades with cruel intents creep and crawl among us. Hope and religion will not get you through these modern day wars. 
The tyrannical savage monsters that each and every one has the ability to become!! only creates unhappiness and self-destruction to the soul. 
We are in times of great distress!!!! STRESS!!!
The Universe has a plan for each and every one of us. 
To find the path of happiness is to let go. 
Letting go is truly the Key! 
The fear of letting go grasps hold of us tightly. 
What if I fail!!! 
What if you don’t?
We all have potential to be happy with life. It is a choice to find that potential…
Our minds have great power beyond bodily function..
The Universe is gifting us with the ability to use our minds for Peace, inner success, and spirituality.
To love and be loved is one of the greatest feelings… To love happens on many different levels that works best with karmic compatibility..
Bonding with things and sources that are compatible to your soul is upon us… 
The universe is shifting the planet's energy to help align us to our perfect compatibility.
This can be very fearful is someone is not ready for change. This creates resistance and resistance creates wars. 
Wars of all kinds..
Even inner wars.. That would be the dark night of the soul..
The karmic lessons are coming to an end for our paths to move forward. The light within your soul can keep you in that flow to let go. Life is what it is so adapt…
Let go of judgements and see things as truth! As is!
Learn to manifest…
Believe in miracles…
Make magic…
Be art…
Be the light in the darkness…

Learn to shield your soul from the clouded and your life can shine on…


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