Monday, November 10, 2014

This weeks Musings...

The beginning of this week offers us the strength to start new in all areas of our life.
What you feel within your heart, can help you make positive changes for your future. 
Many of us have been feeling stuck in a dark place. 
We are given opportunities within each moment to find the light out of the darkness. 
Realize those dark moments in life can help us appreciate love and build inner strength.
We need to learn to trust in life that the Universe can heal, empower and enliven us…
Listen to your heart and your soul will speak..
Let go of the conflictions your mind can create…
What does it mean to you to be whole? 
The universe is trying to get our attention! 
We are being offered new cycles and new beginnings. 
The problem is many are refusing to see doors opening.
If you cannot see the doors? How can you walk through them?
Realize life is a dance of transformations and change…
Nothing stays the same…
Learn to enjoy your hard work and loyalty’s… 
It is ok to do something special for yourself. 
Sitting home because you say you are broke is just creating more lack. 
Everyone should have moments of enjoyment within reason…
Treat yourself to something this week. 
Even if it is a small treat or a special weekend. 
It is time to get rid of the stubbornness and find relaxation.
Make a small list of things you consider fun and love to do….
Make sure you treat yourself to the list often…
Life should not be about suffering and depravation!
By mid-week you may be feeling an abundance of energy…
Be prepared for sudden changes… 
By using patience, mental clarity, and wise decision making all will be fine. 
Try not to throw all of yourself into one thing… 
It is ok to step back from pressure and conflict.
Let life (just be) with a natural flow…
It is time to get out of the mode of helpless and tied down. 
You need to free yourself from mental burnout. 
Stop wasting energy on situations you cannot control. 
The Universe keeps reminding us that it is time to let go of old worn out patterns. 
Who and what is in your life?
Is it positive or negative?
The power of your mind can be very strong when put toward positivity. 
We only feel trapped when we hold on to fears of change. 
The hardest situations in life offer the greatest teachings.
It is time to cut the cords connected to situations that hold you down.
Stop being bound to your mind… 
Open up your heart…
By the end of this week you may be feeling exhausted. 
Just as you feel things are getting better you may fear it can relapse. 
Stay optimistically cautious and take pride in your achievements you accomplished this week.
You may be feeling separate and unfocused. 
The light at the end of the tunnel can be seen, but you feel you will never get there. 
These feelings will subside and the Universe wants you to reach out to those who are truly in your life. 
It is time to let go of false relationships and situations. 
You have to become the change within your life.

Blessings, Melanie