Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Blog...

Many people are feeling stuck right now as if life is slowly moving forward or not moving at all... The Month of August has put many of us in a state of confusion and detachment. Take time to think about what makes you feel emotionally off balanced. What makes you want to withdrawal from others because it becomes to much to deal with them? The Month of September is going to be a time of rest and rejuvenation. Use the Energy of this calm Month to recharge your Soul and your priorities. Your patience is going to pay off and life is going to Manifest into your wishes. Let go of past heartache and water the seeds you have planted toward your future. Be aware of anyone who can sabotage your happiness and remove yourself from this negative. We are in a time of darkness and light which each and everyone of us has a choice to become. The shadowy side of many has surfaced making life difficult. We have a choice in dealing with the positive and negative of others. For the Month of October it is balance that needs to rule... The Universe gives us all we need if we just open up and listen to that voice from within... let go of trapped fears and stand your ground... Pull your self back together and focus on healing old emotional wounds... Intuition in many is gong to become heightened which may become a obstacle if not understood.. It is a time to strengthen yourself spirituality and take your power back... Focusing on being patient while making choices toward a better life. Have fun while building new foundations into the future... Negativity is all around right now and it is up to us to take the lead to create harmony. We are all entering into new beginnings if we want to or not... Go within and seek your inner wisdom as you ground yourself toward your destiny...

Blessings, Melanie