Finding better understandings to your situations…

I feel most of you reading this can admit to searching for better understandings to your situations.

 Once we think we understand a situation it changes. 

Just as we feel we found the solution another situation interrupts. 

Shocking epiphanies arise with positive and negative outcomes. 

We must be open for finding grounding facts. 

Once our understandings are fact based, solutions and understandings sink in. 

One of the ways to find better understandings is to awaken our intuition. 

Go with your first thought and Manifest them through.

 If we over think, our minds build up with what if's.

To go with a quick thought is nothing to fear.

 If it is not meant to follow through the Universe will change your path.

 It is the experiences along the way that we learn from. 

We can add these experiences to our list if higher learning.

 Learning from our mistakes can be ones worst fear.

 The guilt a person can hold onto for a past mistake can create blocks and setbacks in someone’s future. 

Once you can open up and see the lessons in what most of you call mistakes, you can understand and use the experiences as tools toward your future.

 When something in your life breaks down do not try to rebuild it.

Like the Tower card in the Tarot, the tower must be burned down in order to rebuild a new one.

 If it fell the tower would be in pieces and can have the opportunity to be rebuilt.

 The Tower must not be rebuilt, and that’s why it burned. 

Ashes cannot be put back together by any means. 

God gave opportunity for a new structure to exist.

 Take that concept within your lives. 

What has ended or does not suite you should be removed.

 It may be a person needing removal to a simple way of thought patterns, to learning a new way of dealing with people and situations. 

We need endings for beginning’s to exist to expand the growth of life.

 We sometimes stay stuck until out of nowhere we create a situation that changes everything for us to escape. 

We create endings in a way we cannot go back to. 

It is our sudden impulses, like that Tower burning to the ground that changes our lives.

 Finding solutions and being able to walk away from the past is liberation at its finest.

Learning to trust our gut feelings and using our epiphanies as tools is a challenge all in itself.

This takes time or maybe a life time to perfect.

It is the challenges God grants us that become our greatest accomplishments.

 Be careful to not allow and ending to create revenge within you.

 You cannot rebuild what has ended and trying to make complete sense to why it ended at the moment is impossible.

 In time we always see the whys in a way our emotions can handle it. 

We as human, can create such self sabotaging upon ourselves. 

If we think in negative patterns, we then manifest unhappy futures. 

We must learn to accept endings to allow room for growth within our lives. 

Once we can accept this concept of endings, it becomes easier to move forward. 
Our life become less stressful and we find better understandings to our situations. 

 This is a old Blog from 2009... I do believe if the tower falls in bricks and does not burn their is a chance of rebuilding. The Tower needs to fall to be put back together.. If that Tower is taking way to long to be rebuilt I suggest torching it...  
